Breaking Down Classification Evaluation Metrics

Accuracy, Precision, Recall, ROC Curve, True Positive, False Positive, True Negative, and False Negative

Korkrid Kyle Akepanidtaworn
4 min readSep 1, 2018

The classification problem is a data mining task where the ultimate goal is to accurately predict the categorical response variable. The setup often requires a training data containing a set of attributes and the target and a prediction set for which the algorithm is given a data not seen before. Then, the algorithm analyses the input and generates the prediction output (see Table 1: Training and Prediction Set for Medical Database). “A classification task begins with a data set in which the class assignments are known. For example, a classification model that predicts credit risk could be developed based on observed data for many loan applicants over a period of time. In addition to the historical credit rating, the data might track employment history, home ownership or rental, years of residence, number and type of investments, and so on. Credit rating would be the target, the other attributes would be the predictors, and the data for each customer would constitute a case. Classifications are discrete and do not imply order.” (Kesavaraj & Sukumaran, 2013)

Table 1 provides the example of training and prediction sets for medical database where age, heart rate, and blood pressure are attributes to predict the heart problem (yes vs no). This is the binary classification problem, which is the simplest form of the classification task. Image Source: Course Material from

Often, we chop up the dataset into three sets: training, validation, and test sets. There’s no hard rule how to…



Korkrid Kyle Akepanidtaworn
Korkrid Kyle Akepanidtaworn

Written by Korkrid Kyle Akepanidtaworn

AI Specialized CSA @ Microsoft | Enterprise AI, GenAI, LLM, LLamaIndex, ML | GenAITechLab Fellow, MSDS at CU Boulder

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